E-073 - "Wario Version 0"


E-073 was found in the Second Timeline in Wario's Fast Food Factory at midnight, supposedly spotted by E-11 in CAM01 "Office Exit". When the area of importance was investigated, no signs of any entity similar to Wario could be found until we looked through the security camera footage recorded from 12:31:05 AM to 12:31:22 AM. Although we are not totally sure how it came to be.


E-073 is a person resembling Wario with gray clothing and skin, completely white eyes and two blackened teeth. For the time it has been living, it has been stuck in one pose, looking at their right hand while their right arm is flexing. Reports have stated that they have seen a figure similar or exactly like this entity appearing nearby the door in CAM01 "Office Exit" before disappearing after an electrical shock had been activated in that room, although it's not yet explained why he appeared there. It's believed that he goes away after electrical devices because of curse-like attributes currently affecting it. When studying the figure, it has been discovered that this entity predates any other entities' existance, making it the first entity to arrive in this universe.