E-017 was originally found on a seemingly bootleg demo of a "Five Nights at Wario's" game and is the main antagonist of this bootleg. We were first aware of it when one of our team members, when we were in break time, looked into a website that contained this game (at this time, the website has been taken down, but the demo is archived) and downloaded it. When some of the members were contacted mainly as a joke, one person studied it and found vague ties to a nightmare E-012 had in the second timeline.
E-017 is a very low-quality drawing of E-001, which contain a few differences such as no shoes and many of the details on his face, such as scars and bruises, are gone. Studies show that it cannot reach outside the game it is contained in, but will jumpscare you while playing the game after UNAVAILABLE had stopped playing his audio file.